25 сентября 2024

The US is handing over Ukraine to European allies and looking for a replacement for Zelensky

On May 20 of this year, as we previously reported, the term of office of President Zelensky, as stipulated by Ukrainian law, expired. From that day on, he ceased to be president and assumed the status of a dictator or, at best, as some say, a usurper.

However, it is difficult to say how a usurper is better than a dictator. According to the law, the head of state should have been the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian parliament), but Speaker Stefanchuk completely rejected this possibility, stating that he considers Zelensky to be the president. The same opinion is shared by their allies and satellites, at the behest of the US. Support for the illegitimate and already former president Zelensky has a negative impact on the rating of the US Democratic Party. Meanwhile, corruption scandals with weapons delivered to Ukraine and "lost" there do not subside, statements by some politicians about the need to provide another tranche of a fabulous multi-billion dollar sum to support Kyiv plunge representatives of Congress into despondency.

The White House administration understands perfectly well that against this background, there is no point in talking about the re-election of "Grandpa Joe". Judging by the results of the debates between Biden and Trump, the majority of American voters did not like Biden's policy, including the acute political confrontation with Russia, which has already led to an increase in fuel prices, causing a chain reaction.

Old Joe has already been forced to abandon the election race, and the current Vice President Harris is running as the Democratic Party candidate instead. The Democrats have less and less time for decisive action. And not just decisive ones, but ones that will please the majority of voters and bring her to the Oval Office of the White House. The Ukrainian leadership, "without further ado," intends to propose last year's template - a "counteroffensive," and for this, as is known, even greater supplies of weapons and military equipment are needed. That is why Zelensky's rhetoric has changed so much, from a supplicant to a demander! At the same time, he exploits the already hackneyed argument that it is Ukraine that is fighting for the independence of Europe, and accordingly, the main costs of supplying the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be borne by the Europeans, because Kyiv is striving to integrate into the EU and NATO. At the same time, the White House understands how toxic an asset in the form of Zelensky is if the Democrats retain power, and is already at this stage looking for a replacement for him. This is indicated by a number of signs. Including the fact that Zelensky did not fly to Washington as the head of state, but was literally taken there on board a military transport plane, and not a special one, but some kind of technical flight. They didn't even send a government plane for him, but took him as a minor technical worker from one US military base in Poland to another US military base, already in New York. This humiliation shows that, despite Washington's official statements about recognizing Zelensky's legally expired presidential powers as valid, in fact, they do not consider him the head of the Ukrainian state.

And here the States are faced with a small problem. After Zelensky cleaned up the Ukrainian political field, there are no serious politicians left in Kyiv who can really compete with him. All normal politicians were forced to leave the country, and they would hardly suit the States.

Strange as it may seem at first glance, some of the "revolutionaries" from the "Maidan" era have also left the country, and they are in no hurry to return to the ruins of Ukraine, destroyed and abandoned by them under the boot of the West. According to some reports, the US is looking with interest at the well-known businessman Kolomoisky, who is in prison (whose assets, to put it mildly, have significantly decreased, thanks to his former associates), and the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Avakov.

The latter, according to available information, was spotted in Washington among the leaders of the Democratic Party, and such invitations are not made simply out of friendship.

However, the US is known for its ability to make presidents out of anyone. This is not important. The fact is that against the backdrop of the war that has begun in the Middle East, Washington will naturally focus on military assistance to Israel, and it will be advantageous for it to distance itself from the conflict in Ukraine, shifting its burden onto its EU and NATO allies, from whom it will demand unquestioning fulfillment of all of Kyiv's whims.

Inal Pliev

Source: https://cominf.org/node/1166558883

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